Monday 18 April 2011

Size Does Matter...

Let's talk about the size of the trucks around here.  Holy crap!!  My little Ford Escape is just not going to cut it, seriously.

At the Timmies Drive-thru.  Note that it is not unusual to see a guy on horseback also in the line...

And they are not just big, they are LOUD.  There is a lot of souping up going on around here.  Height up and sound up.  I don't know how they get in and out of the things, and VAROOM!!!

I was pretty proud of my rental double-upgrade, giving me my own version of VAROOM on this trip, but it's just a little guy compared to the bulk of the vehicles around here...

My big little car in the parking lot at the bar!!

And yes, I have seen some pooches riding in the back...

Dog gone it!!
And no, there is no way the boys are ever going to do the same...

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