Saturday 16 April 2011

There is no sushi in Cold Lake...

...except at Sobey's...enuf said.


  1. If there was a decent place for sushi in Cold Lake, how many people would use it? I'm considering opening a restaurant there. Some people there are already familiar with the quality of my food and have asked me to start a store there.

    1. Holy crap, the whole sushi-lovin' population would jump for joy!!! It is oft discussed that the absence of sushi here is a bummer. There is none between here and Edmonton actually, not even in Lloyd.

      Also note that the population here is currently in excess of 13,000 people, and that number is going to shoot up in the coming months/years with all of the oil and gas development going on just north of here. It is expected that the population will go up between 3,000-5,000 in the next few years, and upwards of 2,000 transient workers will be based in this region in the same timeframe.

      Add on top of that the periods where Exercise Maple Flag happens (300 - 600 additional visitors) and special events such as Air Shows and Race the Base where literally thousands of folks visit the area, and you could sell a lot of sushi!!

      My two cents, because a local sushi bar would be AWESOME!!!


  2. If you can find him on the base talk to Capt. Matthew Song. If I get enough encouragment I might take a shot at it. :) He has some pictures.
